Reputation LayerWhat Issues Nomis Solves

What Issues Nomis Solves

In web3, wallets (equal to users) are treated the same because personalization is not yet possible, which makes it extremely costly and ineffective in terms of ROI to acquire target users and avoid bots. 71% of web2 users expect brands to deliver personalized experiences. 7-70 times higher CAC for crypto protocols and dApps vs TradFi. Up to 80% of contributions to web3 projects are made by sybils and bots. (Source:

Nomis leverages wallet transaction history and AI-powered mathematical modeling technologies to assign a wallet a score from 0 to 100, representing its onchain reputation. No KYC or web2 socials required.

Key features:

  1. Enables onchain reputation-driven personalization—the first iteration of a targeting infrastructure for web3
  2. Helps web3 products and communities better find, attract, segment, and engage their target audiences; helps users to build, manage and leverage their onchain reputation
  3. Unlocks brand new powerful use cases for the core crypto verticals:
    • DeFi: users can utilize their onchain reputation as a credit score for DeFi and as an interest multiplier to unlock higher yields
    • Governance: onchain power users can gain more voting power over DAOs by leveraging their strong transaction history, not just token holdings
    • Reward distribution: users can get fair rewards by proving their genuine contribution to web3 projects, projects can gate bots.