How to Mint Score
Go to the Nomis Website
Head over to;
Select your Desired Network
You can select the network by clicking on the “Get Score” button…
…or choosing one of the preferred chains right on the Nomis landing page in the tab “Scores”
Connect your wallet
Find your preffered wallet in the list of supported wallets and click on it. If there is no wallet you want to use, you can just click on the MetaMask;
Get your Score
Then press “Get Score” button, solve the captcha and sign the message…
Signing the message doesn’t require any transaction, it’s just a way to prove that you are the owner of the wallet you are using.
…and wait until your own Score is loaded…
…voilà! You have your own Score!
Mint your Score
Now you can mint/update your Score by clicking on the “Mint”/“Update” button.
Your wallet may ask you to add a custom network. If so, just confirm it. If your wallet ask you to switch the network, just confirm it too.
Then you will be asked to confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Transaction is adding to the blockchain… Usually it takes about 30-60 seconds.
And finally, your Score is minted! Congratulations!