Wallet Stats
The most common method of integrating with Nomis is through the REST API using the OpenAPI specification.
To integrate in this manner, you can explore the detailed Swagger documentation, which includes the supported Nomis blockchains and external services from which you can obtain necessary user data.
To access the methods outlined in the Swagger documentation, you need to complete the API Access Form.
After reviewing the completed form, the Nomis Protocol team will contact the project representative using the contact information provided in the form to continue the integration discussion.
At the final stage, the project will be granted access keys to the REST API methods, which must be included in the appropriate authorization headers in the API method requests.
For testing the interaction, you can also make calls to the API methods directly within the Swagger documentation interface.
To call any of the methods listed here, you must first authenticate by clicking the Authorize button…
…and filling in the fields with the keys provided earlier. Then, click the Authorize button under each filled field:
To call the wallet stats retrieval methods, you need to separately clarify with the Nomis team the parameters to be passed to the method, according to your needs:
There are RPS (Requests Per Second) limitations and other restrictions for the REST API access keys issued to you, which are also discussed separately with the Nomis team.